New Newsletter N° 31 - May 2022 Now Online

Topics: Laboratory News, Did you know?, Chromium in Whole Blood, Laboratory prices, New books, Medical Workshops and Conferences, Conferences and Workshops 2022, WebinarsMore

Category Newsletter

Textbook Nutrient Therapy New published

Due to industrial processing and increasing environmental pollution, today’s food may not satisfy an individual’s nutritional needs. A lack of nutrients increases the susceptibility to develop illness and thus, there are many...More


Happy Holidays 2021

We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful New Year 2022.More


Environmental Disease. Natural or synthetic Chelation, how and why.

Online-Workshop with Prof. Efrain Olszewer MD, an internationally renowned pioneer of chelation and orthomolecular therapy.More


Gadolinium In Medicine - An Evaluation and Update

Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents (GBCA) are intravenous drugs used in diagnostic imaging procedures to enhance the quality of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). FDA alerts concerning...More

16.10.2020Gadolinium - Brain

Generous donation for the local high school (PPG)

The managing director of the Hersbruck-based company Micro Trace Minerals Laboratories donated five brand new laptops to the PPG (Paul Pfinzing Gymnasium), to support pupils with “distance learning” when classes cannot take place...More


Smothering the Fire: How Vitamin C Can Stop Viral Infections Quickly

"Smothering the fire"? Do you remember the old forest fire fighting movies? Someone in a fire tower spots smoke and a plane load of fire jumpers go out and puts the fire out before it really gets going. Then occasionally, the...More

28.05.2020Vitamin C
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