Dangerous Ingredients In Your Favorite Wipes and Disinfectants

Wipes and disinfectants. You have them everywhere. On your bedside table. On your kitchen counter. Inside your bag (or diaper bag). In your car. And anywhere else. In this world where infections are so widespread, it’s hard to...More


Recognizing heavy metal pollution - pectin as an alternative to gadolinium?

Gadolinium is a rare earth metal that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially since its compounds are used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. Contrast agents containing gadolinium are used...More


Chelation Therapy - A Critical Evaluation of various Detoxification Treatments

At the time of increasing environmental pollution, chelation therapy is a detoxification treatment of increasing importance, available to medical and naturopathic health care. Health care insurance providers are reluctant to...More

28.02.2020Chelation Therapy

Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a...More

27.01.2020Vitamin C

Healthy, Happy New Year 2020

We wish all of you the very best for the New Year 2020. And thank you for the continuous support you have given us over the past.More

01.01.2020Healthy, Happy New Year 2020

Happy Holidays 2019

We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful New Year 2020.More


New Newsletter N° 27 - October 2019 Now Online

Topics: Laboratory News, Zinc Deficiency and Autism, News about Overlooked Environmental Toxins, Vitamin B12 and Smoke Inhalation, Sodium thiosulfate, Formaldehyde and Vitamin K, Citrus Pectin and Toxic Elements, Gadolinium in...More

15.10.2019MTM News Icon
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