Mercury rising: Are the fish we eat toxic?

Université de Montréal (UdeM) researchers say industrial sea fishing may be exposing people in coastal and island nations to excessively high levels of mercury.More

29.05.2018Fishing Trawler

Privacy Policy

In order to always know what is happening to your data, we at MTM Micro Trace Minerals GmbH have made our privacy policy even more transparent in the course of the new General Data Protection Regulation.More

25.05.2018Privacy Policy

Bismuth Intoxication

Bismuth, also called Wissmuth, is widely used in medications and cosmetics. Toxic doses can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, liver damage, kidney dysfunction, and more. Chelation therapy promises to be an alternative treatment...More

19.05.2018Bismuth crystal

Glyphosate herbicides contain toxic heavy metals, including arsenic

Glyphosate-based herbicides contain toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, chromium and nickel, a new study has found. These are not declared and are normally banned due to their toxicity. They are also known to be endocrine...More

12.05.2018Glyphosate in agriculture

Dubious Bioresonance

In Germany, pharmacies, non-medical practitioners, nutritionists and health food stores advertise for a novel Bioresonance Test. This noninvasive test provides over 200 health parameters. Experts have examined the equipment....More

02.05.2018magic bullet

ZAEN Medical Congress Freudenstadt

We are represented today Saturday, April 21, 2018 and tomorrow Sunday, April 22, 2018 at the 134th ZAEN Congress in Freudenstadt. Please visit us at our exhibition stand 39a. In addition, you can admire our new exhibition...More

21.04.2018New Exhibition Stand

2nd round table for mercury-free dentistry in Berlin on April 23, 2018

On July 1, 2018, so in less than three months, amalgam fillings for children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women will be banned under the new mercury directive of the European Union in the whole European Union. In Germany,...More

15.04.2018Toxic Mercury
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